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The 1-5 Scale

What is the 1-5 Scale?


This scale helps students determine if a problem is small or large.  It uses facts (i.e., type of rule infraction, frequency of problem), not emotions, to determine how big a problem is and then helps generate solutions based on the problem's size.  Typically, when students pause to think about the facts of the situation and use the scale as a guide, they are able to accurately determine the size of the problem and use a corresponding solution successfully.


The 1-5 Scale


The 1-5 scale can be downloaded here:  The 1-5 Scale


How to Use the 1-5 Scale


When your child reports a conflict:

  • Ask them to review the scale and decide what level it is.  It's best to have them self-select the level instead of doing it for them, but prompt them to explain their choice.  Often times, their selection is accurate, but if it's incorrect, guide them to a more appropriate level.

  • Tell them pick a solution based on the level they selected.  Have them try the solution, then check back in a few days later to monitor the solution's effectiveness.


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