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SEL at Village

CASEL Competencies


Each of the 5 CASEL competencies are emphasized at different times of the year.  For example, September & October are dedicated to teaching the students about self-awareness, while November & December are dedicated to social awareness.  The competencies are referred to with students as "life skills" and are taught to the students in the following ways:

  • Classroom lessons delivered by the school counselor (i.e., teaching the steps to problem-solving)

  • Each week, students are prompted to reflect upon a different question related to SEL

  • Small assemblies with multiple classes during morning meeting

  • Teacher-led class activities (i.e., role plays regarding identifying feelings)

  • Student of Good Character awards, in which one student is selected from each homeroom who was exemplary regarding the competency currently being emphasized


Additional Methods


SEL is also supported through:

  • Peer mediation to emphasize student-to-student conflict resolution

  • School spirit days to foster community

  • Community service experiences (i.e., Wolf Walk, coat drive)

  • Recognizing exemplary behaviors through Leaders of the PACK

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