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At Village, the students are taught to solve problems by remembering to "STEP".  This acronym guides students through a series of prompts that helps them resolve conflicts.  The steps are:

  • Say the problem.  Tell the problem in a friendly way by using the prompts "I feel ____ because ____" to tell the facts.  Use friendly words, facial expressions, and tone.

  • Think of solutions.  Brainstorm three different ways to solve the problem.

  • Explore the consequences.  For each solution that was brainstormed, think "what would happen if..."  Come up with positive and negative consequences for each solution.

  • Pick the best solution.  The "best" solution is one that shows PACK behavior - one that is peaceful, accountable (responsible), conscientious (thoughtful), and kind.

STEP Picture.jpg

Download a copy of the steps here:  STEP Mini-Poster

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